Poetry of war and pandemic by Geoff Smith

ISBN: 9781739667481

Published by Caldew Press in 2024

Poet and author Geoff Smith shares a number of poems provoked by the invasion of Ukraine beginning in 2022 and work produced during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Geoff is a retired Anglican Priest who is now a writer. He was poet in residence at Carlisle Cathedral. His poems 'combine wit and tenderness in a very individual and memorable way - they have a delightfully tongue-in-cheek, rueful quality about them but a seriousness too which is often profound and moving.' - Dick Davis.

R.R.P £8.00

77 Days In My Head

A mental health journey by Citizen F

ISBN: 9781739667474

Published by Caldew Press in 2024

Citizen F's 2020 Covid-19 lockdown journal '77 Days In My Head' is a diary and social commentary with poems, photos, paranoia, nightmares and conspiracy.

Discover how the experience affected this Cumbrian man and his family living in West Cumbria during very unusual times...

R.R.P £14.00

Back and Forth

Poems by Tony Hendry

ISBN: 9781739667429

Published by Caldew Press in 2024

'Back and Forth' is not only a fine collection of beautiful poems, but this volume also presents many other works by Tony Hendry collated together for the first time in celebration of a talented writer, much missed by all who knew him.

The collection contains 90 poems over 150 pages, with illustrations by Hunt Emerson, returning to collaborate after the success of Tony's 2019 collection 'Fresh Air'.

R.R.P £10.00

Beyond Borders

by Brampton Poets

ISBN: 9781739667436

Published by Caldew Press in 2023

A collection of 100 poems produced by Brampton Poets inspired by the local landscape and the local people who live on or near Hadrian's Wall. Many pieces were inspired by the Wall.Three.Words project that marked the 1,900th anniversary of Hadrian's Wall in 2022. These poems look at the concept of borders and beyond...

The collection includes over 50 pictures which accompany work by 19 poets across 160 pages.

R.R.P £7.00

Peace for Ukraine, Now!

by Dr Richard Cook

ISBN: 9781739667412

Published by Caldew Press in 2023

Dr Richard Cook shares poems written since the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, including a number of pieces provoked by the conflict.

Richard shares 54 poems in his often quirky style which cover a variety of subjects from musings on everyday life, pondering collective nouns, and trying to answer mysteries of the universe.

R.R.P £8.00

Living is Easy with Eyes Closed

by Fliss Watts

ISBN: 9781739667405

Published by Caldew Press in 2022

An essay on art, economics and environmental crisis, originally developed in a series of art exhibitions in Cumbria.

Fliss Watts uses her artwork to explore how art can, and perhaps should, engage with the issue. She questions the separation of the human from nature, discusses the idea of unending economic growth, and asks if we can imagine alternatives to the environmental crisis into which we have sleepwalked.

R.R.P £6.50

Into the Wild by Nick Robinson

ISBN: 9781916388192

Published by Caldew Press in 2022

This poetry collection is inspired by the glory of nature from many forays into wild locations. Nick Robinson has captured many bewildering concepts focusing largely on the Lake District and surrounding area, including: the idea ofthe sublime, fauna in nature and human perception of the wild.

Through a series of gently crafted poems, and illustrations, Nick shares his personal affection for the landscape of Northern England in a collection also dedicated to a wonderful and much missed mother.

R.R.P £5.00

Dance for those who'd rather not / What's it like for you?

by Crysse Morrison & Hazel Stewart

ISBN: 9781916388185

Published by Caldew Press in 2022

Crysse Morrison and Hazel Stewart share their musings as Live and Lippy.

They share a passion for exploring the limit of words to connect with experience and a love of liquorice. Actually no, not liquorice, liquor. And Lorca, of course.

This publication combines two collections in one, Dance for those who'd rather not / What's it like for you?, and features artwork by Mel Day.

R.R.P £7.50

SpeakEasy Magazine – Freiraum: Phase 2

ISBN: 9781916388154

Published by Caldew Press in 2022

A collection of stories, ideas and dreams in poetry, prose, songs, art, photos, film and life – following on from the Goethe-Insitut's Freiraum project in 2018 in which SpeakEasy explored the themes of Isolation, Over-coming Isolation, and Freedom. Phase 2 revisits these themes and also examines Art and Creativity during the COVID-19 pandemic.

R.R.P £10.00

A Scarcity of Biscuit by John Hegley

ISBN: 9781916388178

Published by Caldew Press in 2021

John Hegley weaves a colourful collection of musings, drawings and dialogues around the poems, letters and loved ones of John Keats. If you are a lover of Keats’ poetry, or are newer to the poet and want to explore his work, this collection allows the reader to share in the author's enthusiasm and passion for one of Britain's best loved literary figures.

R.R.P £8.00

GRID: An Outside Inside Journey Through Cumbria by Mark Griffiths

ISBN: 9781916388147

Published by Caldew Press in 2021

GRID is a collection of site-specific poems, songs, prose and images concerning Cumbria and the Lake District. It is the artist’s meditations on his life-long relationship with this part of North-West England, and it offers a thoughtful companion for all who feel a strong sense of place and fraternity with the landscape. 

R.R.P £8.00

Lockdown Town by Philip Hewitson

ISBN: 9781916388161

Published by Caldew Press in 2021

A collection of funny and angry poems written during, and as a response to, the COVID-19 pandemic. Various topics come under scrutiny including; the handling of the crisis by the UK Government; the slightly strange and often surreal experience of living in lockdowns; other news and events during these unusual times; and the hopes that a vaccine might lead us tentatively towards a return to ‘normal’.

RRP £5.00

Carlisle in Haiku Form: First Impressions by David Simmons

ISBN: 9781916388130

Published by Caldew Press in 2021

Poet, David Simmons, shares his affection for the Great Border City, and the surrounding area, in 'Carlisle in Haiku Form'. Seventeen illustrations accompany over a hundred handcrafted haiku which make up the collection providing a unique take on the city and its history. From Roman cricketers and Cracker Packers to Olympic hopefuls and Lady Gaga, there's a bespoke Carlisle haiku connection!

R.R.P £8.00

Visible Music by Martyn Halsall

ISBN: 9781916388116

Published by Caldew Press in 2020

From diagnosis, through treatment to remission, poet Martyn Halsall shares reflections on life with cancer. In dialogue with religious faith, and reactions to medical care, these are set against the backdrop of Cumbria, and the Scottish islands.

R.R.P £8.00

Write Up Our Street!

Published by Caldew Press in 2020

An anthology from Carlisle Writers' Group, showcasing poetry, fiction and memoir writing. The group continues to successfully encourage new writing in Carlisle.

Write Up Our Street! takes you on a journey, from their street to fairyland, through your imagination, under water and across the sea, over the fields and far away, to the confines of a garden. Travel with them via poetry, short story and memoir.

"Each poem, each story stands up on its own... Enjoy."  M. W. Craven

R.R.P £10.00

Poetry for a Purpose

Published by Caldew Press in 2020

A Cumbrian Ecollection, showcasing work about climate change, eco-anxiety, environmental and natural concerns, and hope. Climate emergency, extinction rebellion, sustainability and environmental disasters seem to be a uniting and driving force among, particularly, younger people and giving voice to concerns is a healthy way to examine our fears and educate others. Boundaries, barriers and horizons - we can also be hopeful, and look beyond the constraints we encounter.

R.R.P £10.00

SpeakEasy Magazine Issue No. 4

Published by Caldew Press in 2020

An anthology of words and images collated

from many of the regular contributors to the SpeakEasy open mic nights. This issue was edited by Jean Hill and James Scott Riddick and the pieces are woven together through a narrative arc and also reflect on the time SpeakEasy had been hosted by Becca Roberts at Foxes Cafe Lounge in Carlisle.

This edition also feature QR codes to films of the first and last SpeakEasys held at the cafe.

R.R.P £10.00

FRESH AIR by Tony Hendry

Published by Caldew Press in 2019

'Fresh Air' is a collection of poetry inspired by being outside in the landscape of Cumbria written by Tony Hendry. Not only do the works chronicle outdoor pursuits in the Lake District and other areas of natural beauty including the banks of the River Caldew, but they also explore the more complex aspects of humankind. And the creatures who inhabit the landscape? They are busy staying alive.

R.R.P £5.00

Mind Trees of the Urban Forest

Published by Caldew Press in 2019

This anthology uses trees, and the path through the forest, to explore our connection to our own psyche, and that of those around us. Our mental health and spiritual connection to others becomes a forest: roots put down; protective canopy unfurled.The Mind Trees we nurture reflect the way a forest works – our dendrites forming new synaptic branches, and heal, as we coppice forth from injury or upset. This anthology is a community project, because making connections encourages good mental health.

R.R.P £6.00

SOLWAY SONGS by Annie Foster

Published by Caldew Press in 2019

A collection of poetry chronicling the journey, both personal and physical, inspired by the beautiful and changing Solway Coast by Carlisle-based author Annie Foster.

R.R.P. £5.00

SpeakEasy Magazine Issue No. 3

Published by Caldew Press in 2019

Words and Poetry and Stories from SpeakEasy. Issue 3 is a tribute to our friend Nick Pemberton, the creator of SpeakEasy, champion of the Arts, writer, poet and all round wizard of all things.

This issue was edited by Jane Moss-Luffrum and Kelly Davis.

R.R.P £6.00

SpeakEasy Magazine: Freiraum

Published by Caldew Press in 2018

Poets and writers from the monthly ‘SpeakEasy’ spoken word event in Carlisle, collaborated with other local writers and artists, presented a live event to showcase Carlisle’s ‘Sphere of Freedom’. Writers, poets, musicians, performers, artists, film makers, photographers and others contributed to an evening centred around four themes - Isolation, Overcoming Isolation, Freedom, and European Identity.ArtBOX in Thessaloniki and the Goethe Institut were our partners for Live link-ups, and cross-European literary hi-jinks.

R.R.P £7.50